Worry less*
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Learn More >
Stress less*
Stress disappears…and lives change.
Learn More >
Sleep better*
Rest, a foundation for success
Learn More >
Celebrities practicing TM*
Celebs comment on how TM changed their life: “TM is the only meditation where after 20 minutes I regret it is over.”
Countries with TM support
Scientific research on TM is inspiring schools, health care providers and politicians globally to embrace TM.
Focus on giving back
Part of the course contributions help to offer TM for free to those in need.
How can I learn?
The Ellen Show features Transcendental Meditation
How can I learn?
The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught individually by a professionally trained teacher who is able to lead you through the experience of transcending in a way that is fine-tuned to the way your mind works. In a completely natural and effortless way, you experience finer and finer levels of thinking until you transcend the finest level and there are no more thoughts, all without concentration or trying not to have thoughts (because concentration or trying keeps your mind active, which creates more thoughts so trying not to have thoughts can be very frustrating).
The technique is taught step-by-step during four consecutive meetings. This is followed by a detailed support and follow-up program over the next six months to support you as your experiences evolve and to ensure maximum results. Learn More >
The first step, however, is simply for you to attend a free intro talk.
Do you have 90 minutes to discover how everything can change?

To understand how a simple technique can provide so many benefits, sign up for the free intro talks that are organized around the country. Just fill out the form below, or select your nearest city on the map below. You will be able to:
- Meet a certified TM teacher
- Learn all the benefits 20 minutes twice a day of TM practice can bring to sleep better, stress less, improve your body & mind and live better.
- Ask any question you may have
- Schedule a TM course
Learn Transcendental Meditation in Espace MT (bilingue français - anglais)
Chemin des Croisettes 26, (1st floor), 1066 Lausanne (Epalinges) (Click here for map)
TM intro talks
The talks are free. Please register below.
Difficulty submitting form? Contact your teacher below directly.
TM Teachers
Adrian Ionescu +41 79 625 57 26
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
It is natural for us to worry. It is a sign we deeply care about something or someone. But if we start to worry so much that it paralyzes us or makes us feel bad, then it can become counterproductive. At that point, it can be helpful to have a technique to relax and reduce our stress levels so we can think in a more clear and balanced way again.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is the most practiced (6 million practitioners), most widely researched (600 studies), and, according to the research, the most effective meditation technique in the world to reduce stress and anxiety.
Many celebrities that practice Transcendental Meditation comment that the technique helps them.
‘I have a lot of anxiety. This changes everything. It just calms you down. It really helps.’
Ellen DeGeneres, Talkshow host -
‘I had a lot of people say to me, ‘what do you do to stay calm and collected?’ So I found this lady, she taught me TM, and I love it. I started to see such a difference.’
Kendall Jenner, model & TV personality -
‘It’s helped a lot with my anxiety. Instead of having to turn to prescription [medication], I’ve been able to turn to this.’
Katy Perry, Singer
Stress disappears…and lives change.
Life is supposed to be better if we can “be in the moment” and “enjoy the here and now”. However, past stressful experiences can draw our attention away from the present to pain from the past or worries for the future. As long as the underlying stress is there, it is difficult to avoid this negative influence.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is the most practiced (6 million practitioners), most widely researched (600 studies), and, according to the research, the most effective meditation technique in the world to reduce stress. This allows us to gradually leave more and more of our baggage from the past behind so we can enjoy the here and now to the fullest.
Many celebrities that practice Transcendental Meditation comment that the technique helps them.
It centers you. Your stress levels are just down and you find yourself interacting in the world much easier and better, in a calmer way, and there is just a peaceful joy that comes over you.
Jennifer Aniston, actress -
‘I’m a great supporter of Transcendental Meditation. I’ve been using it for almost 40 years now. It’s a great tool for stress […] and a great system to use for life in general.’
Clint Eastwood, actor -
‘It calms you down. It helps you find that peaceful place inside yourself so whenever your life is going a bit crazy, it just reminds you to be really centered.’
Heather Graham, actress
Rest – a foundation for success
Up to 45% of the population is affected by insomnia in a given year and 10-30% on any given day. And if we don’t get enough rest, our body gets out of balance and this has long term health implications. Some of the main causes of insomnia are stress, anxiety and depression. And not sleeping enough in turn makes stress, anxiety and depression worse. So this creates a vicious cycle that is difficult to escape for many people.
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is the most practiced (6 million practitioners), most widely researched (600 studies), and, according to the research, the most relaxing technique in the world. The technique very quickly creates deep rest, which helps the body to get back into a state of balance.
Many celebrities that practice Transcendental Meditation comment that the technique helps to get deep rest and sleep better at night.
‘It’s been fantastic. People that used to have migraines don’t, people are sleeping better, people have better relationships.’
Oprah offered Transcendental Meditation to everybody working for her -
‘It was like a week’s worth of sleep.’
Liv Tyler, Actress -
“I had terrible insomnia, and about a year ago I started doing TM. After four days of doing TM I could suddenly sleep.”
Lo Bosworth Actress/Author
In this old video, you can see a programme on Canadian National Television where Maharishi explains in more detail what exactly TM is.
The generally accepted wisdom about meditation was that it was a way for the mind to come to inner silence, and that this was achieved by forcing the mind to rest, usually through a form of concentration on a word, a sound, or a visual point, or through visualisation techniques. The mind soon gets bored with this and will want to go somewhere else, but we will tell it: “no, stay here, stay focused”. At some point the mind will grow so tired from all the effort from that concentration, that it will check out. At that point one may (possibly) find deeper experiences, although usually the mind is so tired that the experiences will hardly ever be very clear.
This process requires a lot of effort and discipline, and the general wisdom therefore is that only monks that can afford to spend many hours each day on meditation, could ever hope to get such “higher” experiences. This was how a point was reached where an experience that was described on many occasions throughout time in the most incredible terms, actually turned out to have very little practical use in every day life, as it was so difficult to achieve that experience.
But at a certain time in 1955 someone arrived from the Himalaya’s in India with a wholly different interpretation of meditation. This was a young scientist who, after his studies in Western science, had spent 13 years with one of the most important Vedic teachers of his time, and had learned what meditation should actually be like.
From these studies with his master and from his own experiences, the young student learned that the mind should not be forced to come to inner silence. It is the most pleasant experience available for the spirit, the ability to come “home”, and discover its own infinite power. From its own nature the mind is drawn to a feeling of happiness. Wherever we look for happiness, in a relationship, a bigger house or a better position at work, the ultimate driver for all that we do is to be happy. The mind’s true nature, its home, is a reality of pure happiness, and the mind will therefore automatically want to go there, whenever it gets the chance. To force the mind to go there is counter-productive. The only way to experience this inner reality efficiently, is when this process comes naturally. We merely need to point the mind in the right direction, and can then let it do its thing.
This natural process is what the young scientist structured into a technique that he called “Transcendental Meditation”. To transcend literally means to “go beyond”. It’s a process of going beyond the finest level of thought into a state of a total silence. He obtained the technique from his master and it was thanks to his (western) scientific mindset that he was able to analyse and structure it in a manner that allowed it to be taught as a technique that anyone can practice at home. Nevertheless he always insisted for the technique to be taught in the name of his master, and not in his own.
The young student later was awarded the title “Maharishi”, which means “great visionary” in Sanskrit. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was his full title.
Maharishi’s biggest contribution only came later, once he succeeded in not just structuring the technique, but also in structuring the teachers’ education to enable them to teach the Transcendental Meditation technique correctly. The only reason why this natural technique was lost, was the lack of available teachers who knew how to teach real meditation. History showed that it was difficult to teach the technique perfectly so that the practice was fully natural and effortless, otherwise the technique would have never been lost. The natural experience is very subtle and personal, and requires a careful guidance of a teacher with the requisite experience (and this is why TM cannot be learned from a book). The education to become a Transcendental Meditation teacher requires a full-time course of almost 6 months. Maharishi has taught more than 40.000 TM teachers around the world. This education has proven successful, as evidenced by all the research and the experiences of more than 6 million people that have already learned the technique. The TM technique is easy to learn, pleasant to practice and has an evolutionary influence on all areas of life, because it goes to the source of all life. This is what real meditation should be like, much more than just relaxation. It should be returning to oneself, and discovering one’s true nature.
Over the 50 years Maharishi was focused on this, till he passed away in 2008, he has revived numerous other methods from the Vedic scriptures (one of the oldest traditions in the world) to bring us back in touch with ourselves, and has brought this to the attention of the world, such as Ayurveda.
In 2000 he established a global organisation to make all this knowledge and the technique more available. The Global Country of World peace is a not-for-profit organisation with the objective to better the world. The leader of this organisation, and Maharishi’s successor, is Dr. Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.A.R., a Medical Doctor trained at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. in neuroscience) and Harvard University, and a globally recognised Vedic scholar. He did fundamental research around the connection between consciousness and the human physiology and how it all relates to the Vedic knowledge.
How do I learn Transcendental Meditation?
Anyone can learn Transcendental Meditation. It is easy and enjoyable to practice and gives immediate results.
Transcendental Meditation is taught according to ancient methods that naturally allow the mind to experience the most fulfilling state in its own true nature. There is no need for a long period of practice, because the process is natural and intuitive. This means that anyone can learn TM, regardless of cultural, religious or educational background, and the results are usually noticed immediately. Twenty minutes twice a day is enough to produce the desired effects.
Personal guidance is necessary.
Every person is unique, and therefore the experience of meditation is different for every individual. This is why the personal guidance of a trained Transcendental Meditation teacher is necessary. When meditation is taught in a correct, personalized way, the process develops naturally and effortlessly, and only then can the greatest effects be obtained.
Once you have learned this perfectly natural technique, you can practice it on your own, but whenever any additional guidance is needed, it is available free of charge from any TM center in the world. The need for further guidance differs from person to person, but the important point is that the guidance is always available.
TM Course Phase 1: Learning the technique
Learning Transcendental Meditation happens in 7 steps, spread over 4-5 sessions of about 2 hours over 4-5 consecutive days.
1. Introduction seminar:
An overview of the long-term effects of TM practice. All the information you need to decide whether you want to learn the TM technique, including question and answer session. (Free/without obligation 1 1/2 hours).
2. Preparatory lecture:
More details about the exact mechanics of the Transcendental Meditation technique in preparation for learning (30 min). Usually the preparatory lecture is given on the same evening as the introduction seminar.
3. Personal interview:
Individual meeting with your TM teacher and the opportunity to discuss private questions (10-15 min).
4. Personal instruction:
The actual instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique. (1 1/2 hours)
5-7. Three follow-up sessions:
Verification of the correct practice of the TM technique and acquiring more knowledge, based on the growing experiences of meditation (2 hours per session, on 3 consecutive days after personal instuction)
TM Course Phase 2:
The follow-up is optional but recommended. A 6-month follow-up is included in the course fee.
Transcendental Meditation is a do-it-yourself technique, and therefore the follow-up is entirely without obligation. However, the general experience is that the results are better if you are regularly making use of the follow-up program.
First 6 months:
A monthly follow-up is recommended to verify the correctness of the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique and to gain more knowledge about its effects.
Day of intensive meditation:
This day of intensive meditation is an excellent opportunity to deepen our experience of meditation, deepen the understanding of its mechanisms, and gain greater appreciation of our TM practice. It includes the learning of some simple yoga postures, breathing exercises and group meditations that enhance the effects of TM. It also includes discussions of experiences and lectures on the multiple benefits brought by the daily regular practice of TM. Such a day is part of your course.
TM course fee:
The TM course fee includes the learning sessions, the follow-up program and the day of intensive meditation, around 23 hours in total. In order to make Transcendental Meditation available to as many people as possible, the course fee takes into account the financial situation of each participant. It is set in a brief personal interview at the end of step 1. You should also be aware that in Switzerland, the complementary insurances Optima and Completa Praeventa of Swica are reimbursing a good part of the TM fee.
Standard fee:
- CHF 1800.- (up to CHF 600.- reduction depending on economic and social situation)
- Couples/families: CHF 2700.- (up to CHF 900.- reduction depending on economic and social situation)
- Students/apprentices up to 28: CHF 800.-
- Children between 10 and 16: CHF 600.-
- Children up to 10: CHF 400.-
Payment by monthly installments is available on request.
Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation in Switzerland?
To find the nearest Transcendental Meditation center, and to contact your local Transcendental Meditation teacher for a free, no-obligation introduction seminar on the TM technique, go to Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation?
“I am already practicing TM for 37 years, and I still enjoy it every day. It has given me so much energy that I could build a successful career in sales, and, on top of that, I have built two houses and six apartments, all by myself, in my spare time. If someone would offer me 10.000 Euro to stop with TM, I would not consider it, not even for a second.”
Johan Claes, Senior Account Manager of an international software company.
Adrian Ionescu
Espace MT,
Chemin des Croisettes 26,
1066 Epalinges
+41 79 625 57 26